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Primo Close Focus


Panavision Primo Close Focus lenses range from 14.5mm to 35mm, with wide-open apertures of T1.8 and T1.9 and close-focusing distances from 7½ to 11 inches (2 inches or less from the front of the lens). The Primo Close Focus 14.5mm is compatible with a Wide Angle Adapter to create an 11.5mm wide-angle lens. 


close focus

Product Details

Focal Length T-Stop Close Focus (in) Weight (lbs) Length (in) Front Diameter (in)
14.5 1.9 8.25 4 4.3 4.44
17.5 1.9 7.5 3.5 4.1 4.44
21 1.9 9.5 3.5 5.3 4.44
27 1.9 9.5 5.3 6 4.44
30 1.8 10 5 6.73 4.44
35 1.9 11 5.3 6 4.44